2025 Show dates!
line ups HAVE BEEN announcED!
CHECK OUT THE 2025 Trailer!!
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Bringing Banff To You - Coming to Connecticut!
Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour was born from Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival which began in Banff, Alberta. In 1976 a tight-knit group of climbers and outdoor enthusiasts conceived The Banff Festival of Mountaineering Films. This was one-day gathering that became the renowned international Festival it is today. Over 30 years ago, Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival began an outreach program to bring the Festival to other communities. This has become known as Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour. Like the first festival in Banff, the tour began small – three cities across Canada. Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour now reaches over 40 countries and brings mountain films to an audience of over 550,000 worldwide in approximately 550 locations.